Registration has just opened for the Afghan Heroes Ride of Respect 2011 at Wootton Bassett on the 3rd April 2011.

All the agencies (Police, MOD & Local Authorities) have come together with the Ride of Respect organisers to make the Mother's day ride through Wootton Bassett possible.

This ride pays tribute to the people of Wootton Bassett, RAF Lyneham and the men and women of our armed forces. All money raised will go to Afghan Heroes who help our service personnel directly on the front line; the families of those who have fallen and our returning service personnel who have witnessed these horrific losses of their fellow comrades.
I was on this years ride and it was both a very moving and humbling experience: it seemed the whole town had turned out to applaud us when we were there to applaud them (and to raise money for the charity too of course)!

I know there was at least one other TZ-UK member who was there at this years ride and if any other bikers here would care to join on the next one that would be great.